The main goal of the first thematic research line (RL) is aligned with the public polices, to increase plant food production, improve its quality (physico-chemical/ nutritional and longer shelf life) and, at the same time, reduce the environmental impact of the agri-food sector. In a global scenario of limited natural resources and facing the challenging climate changes, this can only be achieved through higher resource use efficiency, targeting the idea of producing ‘more with less’ i.e. more yield and product quality, with less inputs of water, fertilizers, plant protection products (PPPs) and land. In this RL the focus is put on sustainable agronomic and biotechnological strategies to optimize crop yield and product quality at harvest and during postharvest. In the first 5 years, special attention will be given to horticultural crops produced in open field (particularly the ones that are relevant to the North-Centre of Portugal; ex. kiwifruit, blueberries, cherries, chestnut, grapevine and olive trees etc.), but also produced in soil or soilless systems under protected cultivation (greenhouses and vertical farming) – a highly relevant sector for the Regional and National economy, but where the research has been very limited. The research members working in this RL have complementary expertise in plant physiology, plant nutrition, plant pathology, molecular biology, postharvest, and biotechnology – both at fundamental and applied levels. Moreover, they have a deep knowledge of these value chains and have a relevant network with the regional and national stakeholders.
Restante informação que consta na proposta do LA: Problems addressed; Actions; Public instruments; Dimensions; Impact